Psoriasis of the skin, its symptoms, risks, and how to treat it

Psoriasis of the skin is an accumulation that occurs in cells so that it is in the form of shells and thick crusts that cause severe itching and this disease continues for long times as it causes pain, itching, irritation to the skin and an unacceptable appearance, that psoriasis may be dangerous, especially When it is associated with arthritis, and there is no definitive treatment for psoriasis, but there are methods that reduce the time of episodes of the disease, which is the full commitment periodically to the application of cortisone ointments and exposure to sunlight and some methods that lead to skin comfort and not to be exposed to more attacks. We will talk now About psoriasis types, symptoms and treatment methods.
What are the types of psoriasis?
Skin psoriasis has several types according to the location of the injury and the shape, and among these types are the following:
- Layered psoriasis and it was called by this name because it has the appearance of layers on top of each other of thin, dry and scaly layers of skin that tend to red and have silver scales. These crusts are painful and itch and this psoriasis appears anywhere. In the body, such as the genitals and mouth,
- nail psoriasis is found on the nails of the feet or hands, which are scars and a change in the color of the nails. The nails may become loose and come out easily and prone to weakness and fragmentation.
- Qatari psoriasis is layers covered with scales in large quantities on the body, especially on the arms, legs and scalp. This type is associated with a bacterial infection of the throat
- , inverse psoriasis, or inverse psoriasis. This psoriasis appears in the flexed areas such as the thighs, armpits, breasts and genitals. It is red bumps that cause inflammation in the skin. This psoriasis arises due to sweating in these places and not being dry and not paying attention to their hygiene. Pustular
- psoriasis appears On the hands and feet and also can appear in the tips of the fingers this type is full of blisters and sometimes it is filled with pus and the beginning of its appearance is just redness On the skin, but its condition rapidly deteriorates.
- Optical psoriasis leads to high body temperature and intense itching. Red
- psoriasis of the skin. This type may cover the whole body. High temperature, sunburn, or eating some chemical compounds may cause its sudden appearance, and it may develop into Worse type if not properly treated
- Psoriasis Arthritis This psoriasis is related to the joints, causing them pain and swelling and may also cause conjunctivitis. Psoriasis arthritis has severe to moderate symptoms and if it is not treated properly and quickly, it may lead to many deformities. in the joints.
What causes psoriasis?
The psoriasis of the skin arises due to a defect in the immune system related to the lymphocytes, as it is assumed that the lymphocytes protect the body from foreign bodies such as viruses, bacteria and microbes and attack them, but what happens is that they attack the body itself and cause it those acute attacks and because of this attack, the skin wrongly leads to the production of new skin cells as quickly as possible and the skin becomes filled with outer layers that grow in a matter of days instead of weeks and also filled with more lymphocytes in the outer layer when the dead cells cannot shed together with the white blood cells, so they mutate and turn into thick crusty layers on the The surface of the skin, the main cause does not appear in the disorder in the lymphocytes that attack the body, it is related to genetics and some environmental factors. If these factors occur, these factors may provoke the genetic factor, psoriasis appears and attacks of skin psoriasis begin.
What is guttate psoriasis?
Guttate psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that appears on the legs, arms, trunk and scalp. It is in the form of red dots that affect children and adults. This psoriasis causes severe inflammation of the skin, irritation and itching. It is a disease that is not transmitted from one person to another by infection or contact because it is an immune disease that does not carry any It is a type of microbes or viruses,
and guttate psoriasis appears in many places of the body, such as the lower face, the lower back, the face, the soles of the hands, the soles of the feet, the elbow, and sometimes the infection is of the type of light psoriasis, which is what Covers an area not exceeding 3% of the body, and sometimes it is a larger area, and psoriasis is the most severe
disease of guttate psoriasis that affects the body as a result of infection in the Throat, sore throat, psychological stress, tonsillitis, taking some chemical medications, hormonal imbalance and neurological imbalances, all of these causes are influential. Provided that there is a genetic predisposition to the occurrence of the disease.
Is psoriasis of the skin contagious?
One of the most common questions about the disease is is psoriasis contagious? Is psoriasis dangerous?
The answer is that psoriasis is a disease that is not a contagious disease, as it is not transmitted by contact, friction or using the patient’s tools, because it is a disease related to immunity and that
its cause is an attack by the immune system on the body, so there is no microbe, bacteria or virus that can be transmitted and cause infection, but the fate of the disease It may be dangerous because it is considered one of the diseases that can not be cured and there is no cure for psoriasis at all
. Rather, it is a chronic disease and its treatment is by adhering to some medications that last for life and some instructions that the patient gets used to practicing very carefully so as not to be exposed to psoriasis attacks frequently. Or even not exposed to the occurrence of complications of psoriasis.
Types of skin psoriasis in children
Psoriasis of the skin also affects children before the age of 10 years and there are many types of psoriasis in children, including:
- crusty psoriasis and it is in the form of silver scales above the knees and elbows accompanied by severe itching
- guttate psoriasis and is in the form of red dots on the scalp and results from infection due tosore throat
- , which comes in places that are very soft and have curves such as the armpits, genitals, eyelids, and between the thighs. Symptoms of psoriasis in children include thick red colored nails and severe scales on the scalp.
- Psoriasis also spreads in the diaper area, which leads to skin inflammation and irritation. The symptoms may disappear suddenly in children, but they return in the form of sudden attacks.
Methods of treating psoriasis of the skin
. We have already said that psoriasis does not have a cure that makes it heal permanently, but there are some instructions and some medical steps that make psoriasis a disease that can be lived with, the treatment aims to reduce From the production of excess skin cells, reducing inflammation, and aims to remove the crust and excess skin, and it is divided into several sections: topical treatment and drug treatment. Oral and also phototherapy topical treatments are ointments and creams containing cortisone, vitamin D and salicylic acid, and there are phototherapy methods that are by using ultraviolet rays in a natural or medical way, and phototherapy is accompanied by drug therapy as well. There are advanced treatments and new technology such as chemotherapy Photodynamic, excimer laser, and combined phototherapy, and there are oral medications and treatments such as cyclosporine retinoid formulations and methotrexate formulations that have an effect on the immune system. The medical preparations needed to treat allergies are available in our Adam Pharmacy.
Instructions and advice for patients with psoriasis of the skin
Some instructions and advice that patients with psoriasis advise to be in better condition, but in order to get rid of an attack of severe psoriasis attacks, these tips must be adhered to to try to stay longer without psoriasis attacks. These instructions include:
- Using moisturizers for the skin
- Taking care of the cleanliness of the body and scalp
- Stay away from cold and avoid hypothermia
- Treating wounds And trying to avoid cuts, scratches or infections,
- and the necessity of exposure to the sun every day, but for specific periods determined by the doctor.
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